The Power... in martial arts way
Power of Martial Arts » Devlog
I was just drinking my coffee when I was watching the screen... then the word "POWER" awoke my consciouness... I was thinking the power... I like that power that I feel when I train my mind and my body in martial arts... I like to do it with music... uhm... damn!
The music appeared in my mind "ta ta ta ta ta..." (I know you can't hear the sound as I hear it in my mind... I just ask you to use your immagination to understand me ... ) then.. I was hooked.
I opened Lmms and made the music...
Then there was a little issue... I was thinking to develop something that resemble that focus I feel in the training... uhm... I was out of idea about that
I hope the gameplay, just few minutes, in some way give that idea of focus...
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